
Monday, September 21, 2009

Silver Falls

We've had a great couple of weeks to round out the end of summer! We went for a nice long hike and had lunch at Silver Falls. Marley's getting too big to be carried in the front pack so we're looking to get a back pack for her so that we can still hike with her through the fall. She's getting so long that it's hard to climb those hills with her kicking feet! As much as I'd like her to be able to walk it herself, I don't want her to grow up. She's too big already!
Now that we've gotten Silver Falls done and Tryon Creek as our new regular, I'm excited to head into the gorge for some beautiful hikes this fall!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Feeding the Duckies!

Last night instead of going for our normal evening walk we decided to do something different so we went to feed the ducks. I learned real quick in the begining that there was no such thing as jumping in the car and leaving but we're getting quicker, it only took 5 min to get packed, loaded and out the door! Matt, Marley and I fed a loaf of bread to the ducks down at Clackamette Park and Marley had a blast! She giggled alot and screamed everytime bread went into the water. She even threw a piece herself (after trying to eat it of course). I'm sure this will get to be more fun when she can walk around on her own and throw bread but I really had a good time!
Marley's 1st time feeding the ducks!

Nothing but happiness and glee!

Throwing her own bread!
Wants the ducks to stay!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Loving the Long Walks!

As much as I love the rain, I do have to admit that it has been nice taking Marley for walks at night. We normally take a mile walk after dinner so that she can get in a little nap (and Mommy can get in shape) so that our nights are a little better. She's finally sitting in the big girl part of her stroller and learning to like it. She's still too small to reach the toys that suction to tray but we make it work. I always knew I wanted to be a mom and that it would be wonderful but I was never prepared to have my breath taken away everyday with the amount of love that I have for this little girl!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Marley's First Camping Trip

This past weekend we took Marley to Detroit Lake for her first camping trip. It went better than I could have expected! I thought it would be hard to keep a 5 month old entertained but she did really well. We took her for walks, hung out on the docks and even got to watch her Papa fish (unsuccessfully!). It's amazing how big she's getting and how fast time flies!