Since moving to McMinnville, I've made some great friends and learned some great lessons. Not only about gardening, organic foods, and different parenting styles but about who I am, the kind of mother I want to be and to forgive myself for not being perfect. I've learned how to slow down and relax. Being able to step back and see life from a new view point has given me the ability to fall in love with my kids all over again. Not that I didn't love them already, but I think that there are times in life when focus isn't always in the right place.
I've been super lucky to be a part of a great community of people who are supportive parents, friends and neighbors. There's been many of times that I have been helped and helped others with things that most would take for granted. Whether it be a ride, garden veggies, clothes, or just a ear to listen...I will never forget the wonderful group of women that have come into my life this past 18 months!
XO to you all!