I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want my blog to be. I started it with the intentions of just being a way to keep friends and family updated on our lives without having to write or call everyone individually. Three and half years ago I thought I'd update it every week with wonderful stories about how it was being a new mom with a perfect baby and a fairytale life. And then the next day came. And the next. And the next.
What no one told me was that life gets in the way, EVERY DAY! Being married was hard and when I finally got that one figured out I threw motherhood into the mix. That's when I learned what "hard" really was. I LOVE my life, as you will all learn to know, but there are days when I want to quit, throw in the towel and walk away. Be honest, you probably have too! Is it all worth it in the end? ABSOLUTELY! Every bit of hard work that goes into everything I do is always worth it whether I know it in that moment or not.
So I've realized, I don't want this blog to just be an update on my family every week, or month. I want it to be a chronicle of my journey through my family, my life and the experience I have of learning who I am. With that, we'll take the first step...