I'm hoping it's that simple. Any time you stop doing something and then start trying, everyone always says "It's easy, it's like riding a bike." When's the last time you rode a bike? For me it's been longer than this blog has existed, and that's four years. So let me tell you that I'm nervous. I have thought about starting up numerous times. I sit and think about what I want to post and things I'd like to share my opinion on. I've been putting off starting again and I don't know why. Fear of not keeping up with it, again. Fear of no one ever reading it. Fear of having my thoughts and experiences out there for the world to see. Fear of people telling me to shut up. I can never seem to get out of my own head sometimes. I have great ideas, big projects and grand dreams that I'd love to complete but then like a goldfish with a shiny new rock, I lose focus. I've been told before that I have great work ethic, leadership and do good work but I struggle with time management. Duh! Have you met me?! Add "socializes too much" and that would be every report card I ever got in school. Always a problem with tons of solutions, none that work for me because they're not mine. It's time to fix that. You'd think that by early 30's there'd be certain aspects in life that I'd improve on. Time management in not one of those. I still wait til the night before Christmas to wrap gifts, the hour before leaving town to pack a bag or start vacuuming 10 minutes before people show up. Some might say that I have a case of "procrastination" but I don't like that word so I don't use it. "Time Management Avoidance" sounds a little better so that's what we;re going with.
My vow: To be better. To leave a better trail of advice and antics that come from living my life. To have something to look back and laugh at, enjoy and remember.
So here it goes....